LIST OF LEGAL PRACTITIONERS 2024 updated 03.05.24
AFIFAsiyathasy_afif@hotmail.com4324450 / 2571669Ansuya House, Revolution Avenue, Victoria
AGLAESamanthasamantha@legalservicecapitalcity.com28255370Suite 3-06, Capital City Building, Victoria
ALLEEARNishanisha@georgesattorneys.com4224280Suite 226, Eden Plaza, Eden island
ALLYFrankfrankally@seychelles.net2775215First Floor, Fairview House, Josephine Cafrine Avenue, Ile Perseverance, Mahe
ALMEIDAEvelyneevelyne@almeidachambers.com2644995Sans Soucis, Mahe, P.O Box 263 Victoria
AMESBURYAlexiaa.g.amesburyattorney@gmail.com4325829Room 104, Premier Building House, Block B, 2nd Floor
BARBEShantanasbchambersseychelles@gmail.com2728709P.O. BOX 4147, Anse Royale, Mahe
BELLEDanielbelle@seychelles.net4322955Olivier Maradan Building, Victoria
BENOITONAlexandraalexandra@plc.sc4321718/4610515Suite 1, 1st Floor, Fairview House, Perseverance
BONTEFrancefgbonte@gmail.com2510012The Link, 4th Floor, Ile du Port
BONIFACELeslieIblawconsultancy@gmail.com2747477Boston House, English River
BOULLEPhilippeattorney@seychelles.net4289200Room 307, Victoria House, Victoria
BUTLERJuliettejmbutler@applebyglobal.com4295281Appleby Suite 202, Eden Plaza, Eden Island
CAMILLEJoeljoelcamille@email.sc4325118Sound & Vision Building, Victoria
CESARDanieldce369979@gmail.com2849850Ma Constance, Anse Etoile, Mahe
CHANG-LENGOlivierolivier@clw.sc4324122The Link, 4th Floor, Ile du Port
CHANG-SAMFrancisfrancis@changsam.law4322100Room 12, Kingsgate House, Victoria
CHANG-SENGSHANElaws_changseng@outlook.com2579079 / 4289103St. Louis, Mahe 4325699Suite 209, Sham Peng Tong Plaza, Victoria, Mahe
CHETTY Elviselvischetty@gmail.com4611140MS Complex, 2nd Floor, Victoria
CHETTY Priscilleprisky81@gmail.com4611140MS Complex, 2nd Floor, Victoria
CHRISTENTamaratamara@christenchambers.net2531117Office 201, waterside Building, marina north Eden Island
DARWYNEMichaelmichaeldarwyne@runbox.com4289214P.O Box 6098, Providance
DERJACQUESAnthonydec@seychelles.net4321900Trinity House, Huteau Lane, Victoria
D'OFFAYKelly (Notary)kimkoon@hotmail.com25188621st Floor, Room 5, DEKK Complex, Plaisance, Mahe
DICKKarinekarine@georgesattorneys.com4224280 / 2715447226 Eden Plaza, Eden Island, Roche Caiman
DOMINGUE Karenicsey@seychelles.net4226243Trinity House, Victoria
DURUPRenewelcome@seychambers.com4325699suite 209, Sham Peng Tong Plaza, Victoria
ELIZABETHFrankglobalsez@gmail.com43236471st Floor, Eden House, Eden Island, Roche Caiman
EBRAHIMMichellemichellesaebrahim@gmail.com2822060La Louise, Mahe
FAUREAmandaamandafaure@googlemail.com2566993Room 302D, House of Francis, Ile du Port
FERLEYGuyguyferley969@gmail.com4226243Trinity House, Victoria
FREMINOTSammyN/A4225855Salamat House, La Poudriere, Victoria.
FREMINOTValerievaleryfreminot @rivardnariman.sc4321071Suite 109,Premier Building, Victoria
FRANCOISBrandonbrandon.francois@rivardnariman.sc4321071Suite 109,Premier Building, Victoria
GEORGESBernardinfo@georgesattorneys.com4224280226 Eden Plaza, Eden Island, Roche Caiman
GILLVanessavanessa@georgesattorneys.com4224280226 Eden Plaza, Eden Island, Roche Caiman
GOVINDENAudricaudric@seychambers.com2767575/ 4325699suite 209, Sham Peng Tong Plaza, Victoria
HERMINIE Williamemmybluelinemanpower@yahoo.com2525444Mont Signal, Mont Buxton, Mahe
HOAREAUBasilbhoareau1975@live.com2781188Law Chambers of Basil Hoareau MS Complex, Victoria
JULIEBrianbjulie@seychelles.net2501251 / 4412458Room 206, Premier Building, Victoria
JULIETTEAnthonyN/A4224517Ebrahim Building, Victoria
KARUNAKARANDuraikannukarunaka@gmail.com4289200Room 307, Victoria House, Victoria
KARUNAKARANKhalyaankhalyaan@magnolia.legal2711116Magnolia Legal, P.O Box 6101
LABLACHEConradconrad.lablache@rivardnariman.sc4321071Suite 109,Premier Building, Victoria
LABLACHEJean-Marcjmlablache@gmail.com2525013Suite 106B, Premier Building, Albert Street, Victoria
LAPORTERyanryanlaporte1995@gmail.com4226281JC AND P Building, Providence
LUCASCharlesclucas@seychelles.net2717870Suite 105, Premier Building, Victoria / michellucas056@gmail.com4361562P.O.Box 4098 Anse Royale,Quatre Bornes, Baie Lazare
MARGUERITEMichellemsmarguerite1982@gmail.comRoom 13. Grosvenor House, Pointe Larue
MAURELGerardgmaurel@seychelles.net4224270Seychelles Yacht Club Premises, Marine Charter, Victoria Lane, Victoria, P.O Box 224
MOLLERMalcomemmoller@applebyglobal.com4295281Appleby Suite 202, Eden Plaza, Eden Island
NAKURAZeinazeinavictorialwfirm@gmail.com4323647 / 2771721Suite 212, Premier Building, Victoria
PARDIWALLAPesipesi.pardiwalla@rivardnariman.sc4321071Suite 109,Premier Building, Victoria
PARDIWALLAZarazara.pardiwalla@rivardnariman.sc4321071Suite 109,Premier Building, Victoria
PARMANTIERManuellamanuella@parmantierlawchamber.com2643079/ 4322247Office 301, Michel Building, Victoria
PILLAYKimberlykimberly@seychelles.net4226243Trinity House, Huteau Lane, Victoria
POOLLucyluciepool21@gmail.com4225038Suite 214 A,Premier Building,Victoria
RAJASUNDARAMSomasundaramkuravadi@seychelles.net4226281Michel Building, Quincy street, Victoria
RAMRUCHAYAPriyankapriyanka@georgesattorneys.com4224280Suite 226, Eden Plaza, Eden island Joie, Mahe 4321718 / 4323080Suite 1, 1st Floor, Fairview House, Perseverance
REVERAjoshuajoshua.revera@reveralawchambers.com2582242Providence, Mahe / manager@sergerouillon.com4225276/ 4225157Unit 6, Second Floor, Stevenson Delhomme Apartments, Le Chantier, Victoria, Mahe
URANIEDarelluraniedarrel38@gmail.com2728205C/o Ridge Residence, P.O. BOX 193
SABINODivinodivino.sabino@rivardnariman.sc4321071Suite 109,Premier Building, Victoria
SINONSalinasalina.sinon@rivardnariman.sc4321071Suite 109,Premier Building, Victoria
SHAHKierankbshah@seychelles.net4324450Ansuya House, Revolution Avenue, Victoria
SIMARAKwantemakwantema@simaralawchambers.com2557769Suite 104, Premier Building, P.O.Box 1582, Victoria
KAUSHIKJyotikajkaushik@applebyglobal.com4295286Appleby, Suite 202, Eden Plaza, Eden Island, Roche-Caiman
VELOliviaglobalsez@gmail.com4323647Suite 215, Premier Building, Victoria
WONGEdithedith@clw.sc4324122The Link, 4th Floor, Ile du Port
ZATTEDoradorazatte@gmail.comBel Eau, PO Box 195, Victoria
ATHANASIUSJoseph(notary)joseph@trustsey.com2575239Suite 40, OJ Mall, Church Street, Victoria
JOLICOEURShelton(notary) jolicoeur.shelton@gmail.com4237030Ocean Plaza, Grand Anse Praslin/ 2nd floor, Allied Building Annex, Victoria
  • Please note that the Legal Practitioners’ License of the following persons have been further suspended as follows:
    – Mrs. Lydia Mubarak Ali (Notary Public) for three (3) years from 22nd July 2024.
    – Mr. Nichol Gabriel (Attorney-At-Law and Notary Public) for three (3) years from 26th July 2024.

  • Under the Legal Practitioners Act (LPA) the Registrar of the Supreme Court is responsible for the issuing of licences as required under the LPA.
  • The LPA makes it compulsory for any person practicing as an attorney-at-law to hold a legal practitioner’s licence (s6(d)).
  • Any person who is authorised to provide legal advice under section 13A is also required to hold a legal  practitioner’s licence  (s13A(2)(b)).
  • Failure to hold  a valid licence  may  result in sanctions by the Supreme Court.

License Application

  • The Legal Practitioners (Licence Application Form) Regulations, 2014 SI 110 of 2014 specify the application form for the Legal Practitioners Licence. This form is available from the Registrar’s office at the Palais de Justice and can be downloaded here: Application Form – Legal Practitioner’s License
  • Payments for the licence are to accompany completed applications which are to be submitted to the Registrar.

Please note that in terms of Practice Direction 3 of 2020:

  1. All legal practitioners’ licenses, unless exempted, are subject to the following conditions imposed in terms of section 6A(4) of the Legal Practitioners Act:
    • Legal practitioners must submit an annual audited copy of his/her clients’ account.
    • Legal practitioners must take legal aid cases as assigned.
  2. All audited clients’ accounts must demonstrate compliance with the applicable provisions of the Control and Protection of Clients’ Accounts Act, the LPA and the Legal Practitioners (Professional Conduct) Rules.
  3. Failure to appear in legal aid matters, and represent legal aid clients diligently, will be recorded and placed on record.
  4. Non-compliance with this practice directive and the conditions to attached legal practitioners’ licenses will, in terms of section 6A(6) of the Legal Practitioners Act, be considered when the Registrar considers the renewal of legal practitioners’ licenses, the suspension of legal practitioners’ licenses, the imposition of additional license conditions and any other sanction permitted under the law and Rules of Court.
  5. In considering whether a legal practitioner’s license shall be granted or renewed the Registrar will also consider the performance and behaviour of legal practitioners including, persistent late and non-attendance at court hearings by the practitioner, expeditious, professional and ethical conduct in the carriage of litigation, behavior that in the opinion of the Registrar indicates substantial doubts that the practitioner will adhere to the standards of conduct required of practitioners in Seychelles.

Please address any queries regarding the above mentioned conditions to the Registrar of the Supreme Court –