How can I register a case before the Employment Tribunal
Before one can register a case before the Tribunal it is necessary that the aggrieved party first goes through the mediation process conducted by the Ministry and it is only when the mediation process has been exhausted/failed that a case can be registered before the Tribunal.
When a mediation fails the Ministry issues a certificate to the aggrieved party and the party has 30 days to produce its certificate of original mediation and pay registration fee of SR200/- to the Tribunal in order for its case to be registered.
Who can stand for me at the Employment Tribunal
- Self-represented
- A lawyer
- Representative of a Trade Union
- A representative of your organization
- any other person as the case may be provided it is on a no fee basis
Who will hear my case
The Chairperson of the Tribunal shall be a Magistrate nominated by the Chief Justice. The Minister shall appoint two Vice-Chairpersons who shall be legal practitioners and additionally not more than twelve other members to serve on a part time basis from a panel drawn up after consultations with the representatives of employers’ organizations and trade unions.
In any proceeding of the Tribunal, there shall always be a representative from the employers’ organisation and the trade union sitting as a member provided where parties to a dispute agree the Chairperson or the Vice-Chairperson may sit with only one member.
The role of the Employment Tribunal is to hear and deliver justice in employment and labour related matters.
The Employment Tribunal was established in terms of section 73A, read with Schedule 6, of the Employment Act.
Ki rol tribinal lanplwa?
Tribinal lanplwa ti gany etabliy anba seksyon 73A EA antraver act 21 lannen 2008 dan lamannman lanplwa act 2008 e schedule 6 sa menm lalwa ki dil avek son konpozisyon, fonksyon, zirisdiksyon e larestan keksoz.
Tribinal lanplwa ti reste anba parasol minister ziska i ti gany retire an zanvye 2015 e ti gany formelman bouze anba zidisyer.
Rol tribinal lanplwa i pou ekoute e determin bann problenm an relasyon avek lanplwa e travay ki pan sikse dan negosyasyon e mediasyon
Ki manyer ou anrezistre en ka devan tribinal lanplwa?
Premyerman, avan en ou anrezistre en ka devan tribinal lanplwa i neseser ki parti ki enplike i pas atraver en prosesis mediasyon ki gany par minister lanplwa :e i selman ler sa prosesis mediasyon pan trouv sikse ki en sa ka i gany anrezistre devan lakour tribinal lanplwa.
Si zanmen mediasyon pan en sikse,Minister i prezant en sertifika avek parti ki enkli e sa parti i annan 30 zour pou prodwir son sertifika mediasyon orizinal e pey fre pou arezistreman ki 200 roupi pou ki sa ka i gany anrezistre.
Lekel ki kapab reprezant ou devan lakour tribinal?
- Ou kapab reprezant ou lekor
- Ou kapab rod en avoka
- Ou kapab rod reprezantasyon linyon bann travayer
- En reprezantan sorti dan ou lorganizasyon
- Okenn lezot dimoun vi ki sa ka i baze san okenn fre
Lekel ki pou ekout ou ka devan lakour tribinal lanplwa?
Tyermenn tribinal i devret en mazistrar e i gany nominen par sef ziz.
Minister i devret apwent de vis -tyermenn e zot devret ann leksperyans e travay avek bann zafer legal koman zot profesyon, e osi adisyonelman pa plis ki douz lezot manm ki travay lo en routin part time e sa panel i gany kree an konsiltasyon ek bann reprezantan travayer e linyon travayer.
Ki pourvwar lakour tribinal lanplwa i anan?
Tribinal lanplwa i annan pourwar pou-
- somonn okenn dimoun pou aparet devan li
- Egzamin en temwen ouswa okenn dimoun ki aparet devan li anba sou-serman
- Rekomann nenport dimoun pou prodwir okenn dokiman tribinal i vwar i relevan.
Dan ki fason desizyon i gany pran devan tribinal lanplwa?
Sak manm lo tribinal i annan en vot egal e desizyon i devret gany pran par en vot mazorite. En desizyon tribinal lanplwa i gany ranforsi e gany trete egalman parey en desizyon lakour mazistra
Avan pran en desizyon, tribinal lanplwa i merit-
- Donn sak parti en loportinite pou gany ekoute.
- Zeneralman observ bann lord lazistis natirel.
Tribinal i annan pourvwar pou ekout bann ka dan okenn fason ki i vwar i apropriye
Ki opsyon ou annan si ou pa satisfe avek lord,desizyon ou zizman tribinal lanplwa?
Dan sa ka, okenn parti ou dimoun ki santi i pa satisfe avek lord ou zizman lakour tribinal i lib pou fer en rapel devan lakour mazistrar ouswa lakour siprenm.

A grievance must first be filed at the Industrial Relations Section with the Ministry for Employment and have it mediated.
If both parties do not come to an agreement, a certificate will be issued by the Employment Officer to certify that mediation has failed.
It is only after receiving this certificate that a case can be filed at the Employment Tribunal. It should be noted that only a case for the grievance which has failed at mediation can be filed.
A registration fee of SR200 will be charged for lodging a case with the Tribunal.
For more information about the Employment Tribunal please visit the Ministry for Employment, Immigration and Civil Status website.
Any person against whom judgment has been given by the Tribunal may appeal to the Supreme Court subject to the same conditions as appeals from a decision of the Magistrate Court.
Upon receiving a copy of the judgment or ruling, the party or parties dissatisfied with the decision may, within 14 days, file a notice of appeal at the Supreme Court.