How to register a case with the Family Tribunal
Interested parties must come to the Magistrates Court and a Registration Officer will speak with you to determine if you have a case. If there is sufficient information for a case, it is registered and the Secretary of the case will contact the other party.
The Secretary of the Tribunal may attempt settlement/mediation in cases of custody, access and maintenance, before the matter is brought before the Tribunal. In such instances where an out of court settlement is agreed upon, the said agreement will be placed before the Board for endorsement.
Can Family Violence cases be brought forward
In matters brought under the Family Violence (Protection of Victims Act) 2000 the Secretary has no power to attempt settlement in any way. Such matters have to be put before the Board.
Applications placed before the Board which are disputed will generally be referred to either Social Services or Probation Services for a report. On receipt of the report the Tribunal will more often than not follow the recommendation of the social services or probation officer, unless there are substantial reasons on which one party is objecting to the content of the report or the recommendation.
Family Violence means “conduct, whether actual or threatened, by a person towards, or towards the property of, a member of the person’s family that causes that or another member of the person’s family to fear for or be apprehensive about, the person’s safety or well-being of that or the other member of the person’s family”.
So the Tribunal can hear cases where there is actual conduct or threatened conduct by a person towards another member of the person’s family or towards the property of that other member of the person’s family.
The conduct must be of such nature that it causes that person or another member of the person’s family to fear for or be apprehensive (worried, concerned) about the person’s safety or well-being or that of another member of the person’s family.
Conduct suggests that there has to be a certain kind of behavior, to be ascertained over a period of time.
What kind of behavior is classified as family violence
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is the most recognizable form of domestic violence. It involves the use of force against the victim, causing injury (e.g. a punch or a kick, stabbing, shooting, choking, slapping, forcing you to use drugs, etc.). The injury doesn’t need to be a major one. Being slapped a few times, causing only minor injuries that don’t require a visit to the hospital is domestic violence.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse involves the destruction of the victim’s self-worth, and is brought about by persistent insult, humiliation, or criticism. Emotional abuse can be a difficult type of domestic violence for many people to understand, since, on the surface, it appears to be quite common in unhealthy relationships. Emotional abuse is not enough on its own to bring a domestic violence action unless the abuse is so persistent and so significant that the relationship can be labeled extremely coercive. Most commonly, evidence of emotional abuse is combined with other abuse (physical, financial, sexual, or psychological) to bring a domestic violence action.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is a common form of domestic violence. It includes not only sexual assault and rape, but also harassment, such as unwelcome touching and other demeaning behaviors. Sexual abuse is broadly interpreted. For example, if someone is coerced into not using contraception (the pill, a condom, an IUD, etc.) or having an abortion, then you may have actually been sexually abused.
Financial Abuse
Of the types of domestic violence, financial abuse is perhaps the least obvious. Financial abuse may take on many forms, such as a husband preventing his wife from obtaining an education or a job outside the home. Financial abuse is extremely common, particularly when families have pooled their money into joint accounts (with one partner controlling) and where there’s little or no family support system to help. Financial abuse is simply another form of control, even though it is usually less obvious than physical or sexual abuse. Often, the victim is completely dependent on his or her partner for money. With no access to money except through the abusive partner, the victim is completely at the abusive partner’s mercy. The abusive partner may withhold money for food, clothing, and more.
Psychological Abuse
Psychological abuse is basically a catchall term for intimidating, threatening, or fear-causing behavior. This behavior must be persistent and significant. A one-time event generally won’t be enough to bring a domestic violence action. A wide variety of behaviors fall under the umbrella of psychological abuse. Some common examples include: preventing the victim from talking to people unless they have been given ‘permission,’ preventing the victim from leaving the house, threatening the victim with violence or emotional blackmail for doing something the abusive partner doesn’t agree with, etc. Like emotional abuse, psychological abuse may not, on its own, be enough to bring a domestic violence action unless it’s especially severe.
What is considered as ‘misconduct’ before the Tribunal
Misconduct before the Tribunal (section 78A (7)) which includes amongst others failure to attend the Tribunal, disrupting or interrupting the proceedings of the Tribunal is punishable in the same manner as before other Courts.
With regards to maintenance (section 6 of the Act) a person who fails to comply with a maintenance order is liable to 3 years and a fine of SR 20, 000/-, the same as for any other offence. As for a person who contravenes an interim protection order or a protection order the punishment is more severe, the person being liable to SR 30, 000 fine and/or imprisonment.
What to do if I am not satisfied with the judgment/orders of the Tribunal
A person aggrieved by the decision of the Tribunal may appeal to the Supreme Court against the decision, subject to the same conditions as appeals from the Magistrates Court (section 78B (1) of the Act).
In 2016 section 78B was repealed and the new section 78B (2) provided for appeals to the Court of Appeal against the decision of the Supreme Court on questions of law and fact or of law.
Ki rol Tribinal Lafanmir ?
Rol tribinal lafanmir i pou ekout e pran desizyon an relasyon avek lagrandisman en zanfan e osi byennet en zanfan. Sa i osi enkli eki sa zanfan i reste, akse avek sa zanfan e son bezwen neseser.
Ki manyer ou anrezistre en ka devan lakour tribinal?
Bann parti konsernen i merit al devan lakour Mazistrar e laba zofisye rezistrasyon pou koz ek zot e deside si i fer sans pou en ka. Si i anan lenformasyon sifizan pou fer en ka, la sa ka pou gany anrezistre ek sekreter ki responsab sa ka pou kontakte sa lot parti e enform li.
Sa sekreter Tribinal i kapab osi fer en lesey atraver mediasyon pou trouv en lagreman an term akse avek sa zanfan e son byennet, e tou sa pou gany fer avan ki sa ka i al devan Lakour Tribinal. Dan sa bann lenstans,kot par egzanp, in annan en lagreman an deor lakour,sa menm lagreman i gany anmenen devan sa bord e la zot ranforsi sa lagreman e pran li koman en lord lakour.
Eski en ka vyolans familyal I kapa gany anmenn devan?
Bann zafer ki gany anmenen anba vyolans familyal anba (lalwa proteksyon bann viktim 2000) Sekreter napa okenn pourvwar pou esey rod en solisyon atraver mediasyon a okenn fason. Bann ka parey i oblligatwar pou gany mete devan Bord.
Laplikasyon ki gany mete devan Bord e ki gany obzekte I zeneralman gany refer avek servis ouswa avek servis probasyon pou zot fer en rapor. Apre resevwar sa sa rapor Tribinal i plis ou mwen swiv rekomandasyon servis sosyal ouswa zofisye probasyon, Sel fason ki sa bann rapor pa pou gany swiv i a mwen ki i anan en lobzeksyon sibstansyel mete par enn ant le de parti lo sa rapor e son konteni.
Vyolans familyel i verdir (Kondwit) ki swa en aksyon ouswa en menas par en dimoun lo enlot dimoun ouswa lo son popriete lo en manm fanmir ,ki fer ki enlot manm fanmir i per pou byennet lavi sa menm manm fanmir ou enlot manm fanmir i per pou enn son manm fanmir.
La, Lakour Tribinal i kapa ekout ka kot in anan move kondwit swa par aksyon ou menas ki en dimoun in fer anver en manm fanmir ouswa lo popriete enlot manm fanmir sa dimoun.
Sa kondwit i bezwen dan en natir ki fer sa dimoun ouswa manm fanmir sa dimoun pou per, enkyet e konsernen lo sovte ouswa byennet sa lot manm lafanmir.
Kondwit i vedir ki i devret anan serten konportman kin pase atraver serten kantite letan.
Ki kalite kondwit ki gany klasifye koman vyolans familyal?
Labi fizik
Labi fizik i en form labi ki pli gany rekonnet e fasil pou idantifye. I arive kan lafors i gany servi kont en viktim e ki koz dimal. Par egzanp, ( en koudpwen, koudpye , kalot, pike ek kouto, fors en dimoun pou servi drog e eksetera.).
Sa dimal li menm i pa neseserman bezwen enn ki grav. Gany kalote detwa fwa ki koz bann dimal miner ki pa bezwen latansyon medikal i en senp labi fizik.
Labi Emosyonnel
Sa form labi i enkli destriksyon dignite e valer en dimoun. I en form labi ki ariv atraver lensilt limilasyon ou kritik. Labi Emosyonel i kapa en form labi ki difisil pou dimoun idantifye vi ki lo sirfas, I aparet bokou plis dan bann relasyon ki pa stab.
Labi emosyonel i pa ase lo limenm pou anmenn en ka vyolans domestik amwen ki sa labi i persist-an e signifikan ki sa relasyon i kapa gany dekrir koman ekstremelman toksik. An prensip en an koman, en levidans labi Emosyonel i en konbinasyon lezot labi( fizik , finasyel,seksyel, ouswa sikolozikal pou anmenn en aksyon vyolans domestik.
Labi seksyel
Labi seksyel i en form komen dan vyolans domestik. I pa zis enkli lagresyon seksyel ouswa rape, me osi okenn form lagresyon tel ki ( touse e lezot aksyon endesan).
Labi seksyel i gany enterprete dan plizyer fason. Me par egzanp i kapa gany definir an aksyon par en dimoun gany forse pou pa servi kontrasepsyon,tel ki pilil en kondonm en IUD Eksetera ,ou menm gany forse pou fer en aborsyon. E la sa i kapa vedir ki oun gany abize seksyelman.
Labi finansyel
Dan tou bann diferan vyolans domestik, Labi Finansyel i an efe sa enn mwen aparan. Labi finansyel i kapa pran diferan form.. par egzanp, En zonm i kapa anpes son madanm ou partener obtenir en ledikasyon ou en louvraz an deor lakour familyal.
Labi finansyal I ekstremelman komen espesyalman ler en fanmir i met zot larzan dan en menm kont, e la zis en partener ki an kontrol tou keksoz. Labi finansyel i senpleman enlot form kontrol menm si I normalman mwen aparan ki lezot labi tel ki fizik e seksyel. Tre souvan sa viktim I totalman depandan lo son partener pou larzan.san okenn akse avek larzan eksepte atraver sa partener ki pe fer sa labi la sa viktim I totalman anba pitye son partener pou li gany akse avek manze, lenz e lezot bezwen neseser.
Labi sikolozikal
Labi sikolozikal i en mo an zeneral pou “ entimidasyon , menas , ou en konportman ki koz lafreyer. Sa konportman I devret persistan e signifikan. En levennman kin ariv zis en fwa an zeneral pa pou ase pou anmenn en ka vyolans domestik.. En gran variete konportman I tonm anba parasol Labi sikolozikal.
Bann legzanp tipik I tel ki ‘anpes viktim koz ek enlot dimoun amwen ki in gany “ permisyon ”, anpes sa viktim kit lakaz , menas sa viktim avek vyolans ouswa konplo Emosyonelman pou fer en keksoz ki sa viktim pa tonm dakor avek, par egzanp labi Emosyonel, Labi sikolozikal pa kapab lo li menm ase pou anmenn en ka vyolans domestik awen ki i vreman sever.
Kwa ki gany konsidere koman ‘ miskondwit ’ devan Tribinal?
Miskondwit devan Tribinal (seksyon 78A (7)) ki enkli ansanm ek lezot failure pou aparet devan Tribinal , enteronpte e enterfer avek prosedir lakour e tousala i gany pini menm fason parey larestan lakour i fer.
En relasyon avek mentenans ( seksyon 6 ) sa lalwa en dimoun ki pa swiv en lord mentenans son zanfan i kapa al 3an prizon e menm pey en fine 20000/- , menm parey pou lezot lofans. Me pou en dimoun ki pa swiv en lord proteksyon enterim, la dan aa ka pinisyon i bokou pli sever sa dimoun i riske pey en fine SCR 30000/- ou menm al prizon.
Ki pourvwar lakour tribinal i annan?
(Seksyon 78.1) anba lalwa zafan i determin bann kalite ka ki Tribinal I kapa ekoute e determinen. Tribinal I annan pourvwar pou dil ek bann zafer obligatwar an relasyon avek bezwen e byennet zanfan espesyalman ler I annan rezon pou kwar en zanfan I an danze ki gany determinen par servis sosyal.
I osi annan pourvwar, dan bann rar lokazyon pou ede dan konsantman anrelasyon tretman medikal.
Ki mon kapab fer si mon pa satisfe avek zizman/lord Tribanal lafanmir ?
En dimoun ki pa aksepte en desizyon Tribinal i kapa fer rapel devan Lakour Siprenm kont sa desizyon. E baze lo menm kondisyon ki aplikab pou bann rapel kin gany fer dan lakour Mazistar kot Lakour Siprenm anba seksyon (78B(2) sa lalwa.
An 2016 seksyon78B ti gany ranplase e nouvo seksyon 78B(2) ti fer provizyon pou rapel devan Lakour dapel kont desizyon lakour Siprenm kestyon bann (fe) e (lalwa)
I osi annan pourvwar, dan bann rar lokazyon pou ede dan konsantman anrelasyon tretman medikal.
The Family Tribunal provides an efficient and caring service that brings quick relief to the parties in dysfunctional families by having an integrated and coordinating strategy for the resolution of disputes within those families.
The Family Tribunal hears and determines matters relating to access to children, custody of children, care of minor children, maintenance for both children and parents, paternity, family violence (following the enactment of the Family Violence (Protection of Victims) Act) and non-removal of children from the Seychelles.
Applications can be registered by any individual once the Registration Officer is satisfied that the complainant has a genuine legitimate complaint. An applicant can register an application at the Family Tribunal Secretariat.
Documents to be provided when registering an application: children’s birth certificates, NIN for applicant and children, marriage certificate, and where pertinent, certificates from doctors and police in the case of family violence.
The appointment of the Tribunal members is made by the Minister and published in the official gazette. It is comprised of one Chairman, two vice-chairmen and 7 members.
The Family Tribunal of Seychelles was established in terms of section 77 of the Children Act in 1998.
For more information please visit the Department of Social Affairs website.