
The Chief Justice has disciplinary oversight over:

  1. Judges
  2. Magistrates
  3. Lawyers (admitted attorneys at law)
  4. Tribunal members

The Registrar has licencing powers over “Legal practitioners” which includes:

  1. Notaries
  2. Lawyers
  3. Attorneys at law
  4. Legal advisers practicing law in Seychelles

If your complaint/comment relates to a legal practitioner please consult the Legal Practitioners section of the website.

Please note that Chief Justice CANNOT consider complaints/comments/requests relating to the following:

  1. Complaints against validly made decisions by a judge, magistrate or member of a tribunal. Please consult a legal practitioner to assist you in this regard.
  2. Requests for the recusal of a judge or magistrate. This must be applied for through the proper means (there is a process in the Supreme Court as set out by the Court of Appeal), in the tribunals and magistrates – this should be an application by the legal representative for the person, if they are unrepresented, they should first write to the tribunal or magistrate and send a copy to the other side, asking them to recuse themselves and laying out the reasons, if the decision maker refuses to recuse themselves, the correspondence should be sent to the Chief Justice for further action.
  3. Where there is an ongoing court case or appeal pending, and where a complainant has a lawyer, unless they are bringing a professional conduct complaint against that lawyer.
  4. Requests for legal assistance or advice regarding a legal problem. Please consult a legal practitioner.
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