Sample of all medical equipment
Sample of all medical equipment
His Excellency The Indian High Commissioner (Retired General) Dalbir Singh Suhag
His Excellency The Indian High Commissioner (Retired General) Dalbir Singh Suhag
Chairperson of the Association Jamshed Pardiwall, Indian High Commissioner Suhag, and Chief Justice Mathilda Twomey examining some of the medical equipment
Chairperson of the Association Jamshed Pardiwall, Indian High Commissioner Suhag, and Chief Justice Mathilda Twomey examining some of the medical equipment
Chief Justice Mathilda Twomey addressing the delegation from the Indian Association of Seychelles
Chief Justice Mathilda Twomey addressing the delegation from the Indian Association of Seychelles


A stock of medical equipment to help fight against Covid-19 infections was handed over to the Judiciary today by the Indian Association of Seychelles and the Indian High Commission.

The ‘social distancing’ appropriate ceremony took place at the Supreme Court for the handing over of the items, which include reusable face masks, BP machines, glucometers, and some infrared thermometers.

Chief Justice Mathilda Twomey explained that this equipment comes at a vital time as numerous members of the public require access to the courts on a daily basis to have their cases heard and this helps consolidate current screening points put in place to protect both the public and Court staff.

“We are increasingly worried about Covid-19 and its impact, both locally and internationally, as the airport could be set to reopen in August. In light of this, the donation comes at a good time,” she said.

While appropriate measures have been implemented at the Judiciary in line with Public Health guidelines, such as wearing masks, sanitizing, and social distancing, additional help is always welcomed.

Chairperson of the Association Jamshed Pardiwalla, and Indian High Commissioner (Retired General) Dalbir Singh Suhag explained that this donation is part of a new drive to help various government sectors and agencies in the prevention of Covid-19 and they plan to hand out more equipment as and when available.

“The Indian Association of Seychelles has had to make do with what they could bring in, because flights are limited at the moment so we have gifted what we can as a symbolic gesture for now until more is available,” High Commissioner Suhag noted.

Equipment are officially gifted from the Indian Association, and acquisition of the equipment was facilitated by the Indian High Commission.

Present for the handing over was Chairperson of the Association, Mr Pardiwalla, Mr Vijay Pandya as Treasurer, Surya Khanna as Vice Chairman, and committee members Deepak Babu and Arup Das. Members of the Judiciary present to accept the donation includes Chief Justice Twomey, Director of Operations and Logistics Marcus Labiche, the nurses, and other Court staff.