Various Judiciary staff received certificates to mark their achievements in years of consecutive service, completion of courses and trainings, and also for their active participation in staff related initiatives.

There were staff awarded certificates in General Management, Supervisory Skills, Human Resource Planning, and Customer Service Excellence, to name a few.

Staff who had five years or more of continuous service also received certificates. One staff in particular, Josianne Medor, completed 20 years of continuous service within the Family Tribunal.

Students who successfully passed the Bar Exam also received their certificates at the ceremony. They are Rhea Rene, Dericka Figaro, and Alvine Marie.

Additionally, a token of appreciation was given to choir members who actively participated in events this year. They also performed some Christmas carols at the ceremony to bring everyone into the Christmas spirit.

The Chief Justice Rony Govinden shared a end of year message to all staff, addressing the high and lows of the past year, what to expect for 2023, and to thank all staff for their work and dedication. President of the Court of Appeal Justice Anthony Fernando also shared some words of encouragement.

Director for Operations and Logistics Paul Derjacques also shared a few words, inspiring the teams to always work towards and goal to “aim for the moon, and if you miss you might just hit a star.”

The Judiciary is very proud of all the teams as well as the individual achievements attained this year. It is the management’s hope that the training and staff active participation in various activities throughout the year will inspire others to do the same and to show those who have been awarded how much they are appreciated.