The Examination for admission of Attorney at Law (Bar Exam) has been confirmed to be held from Monday 20 November 2023 to 1 December 2023 in the Training Room of the Supreme Court Annex on Ile du Port. Persons taking the exams are to first report to the Palais de Justice auditorium between 8:30 and 8:45am for registration and to ensure exams begin on time at 9am. Then they will be taken to the exam area and assigned a seat.
Each exam will conclude at 12:10pm giving 3 hours of exam time and 10 minutes of reading time at the beginning of the examination. During those 10 minutes, examinees can make notes on their question paper but may not begin writing on their answer paper.
For more rules like this and other procedures to know ahead of the Exam, please click here for details.
Below is the examination timetable: